Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Sunday, July 31, 2022  
  Post: #125/176 - Views: 45530

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The start of the freight train level...

I want to have an upper level with long freight trains crawling around the room parameter, twisting and turning their way slowly. There will also be two sidings, long enough for some of the long trains I have to park there for some time and allow other trains to pass by, hence, those two turnouts.

Before glueing in place, I soldered the droppers and a third wire to feed the frog.

The track main line and sidings will turn around this bend and flow into a straight run towards the ends of the sidings.

The other end of the sidings.

They will merge into the main track again and around this bend.

where they will eventually meet up with this intersection. This is the way up and down to and from this level, down to the main level below.

The main track will continue going along the remainder of the top level (shown here with all that clutter) and will meet up with the first image above, once it crosses the lift-up bridge  

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