Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Friday, November 4, 2022  
  Post: #134/174 - Views: 45006

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The locomotive refuelling station (Part 2)

So after a week of waiting for the parts to arrive, I dove right in and started installing the turnouts. I had gone over this part in my head countless times while waiting for them to arrive and it went like clockwork  

I just need to add a short length of track at the end of each refuelling siding and this part will be ready. 

It is all glued and held down with screws overnight. I will remove them tomorrow morning and then start the wiring under the lift-up board and will install the Digikeijs DR4024 Servo Controller.

I can see I misjudged the position of the cork on the track coming off from the DMU siding. The track is not exactly centred, but it is not something that cannot be fixed. Some extra ballast or a narrow strip of cork on the right-hand side should do the trick. 

Link to Part 3

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