Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Saturday, December 24, 2022  
  Post: #137/174 - Views: 45006

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Cleaned up the hardware setup...

When I started I only needed two DR4088 current sensing modules. Later on during the build, more ideas started flowing into my mind and it was soon clear that more hardware was going to be needed.

So, now that I need four DR4088 current sensing modules, I wanted a new shelf where to put them all, so I removed everything and started with a new shelf.

The new shelf will house 5 modules. Four DR4088 current sensing modules and one DR4088 OPTO module. I am still waiting for one DR4088 current sensing module but it is on backorder! I used some DR4024 modules for size instead.

After removing the old shelf and installing the new one with the modules in place (minus the one on order) I soon realised that the wires I removed are now short, but after some work, I soon started tracing every wire from its connection on the layout to its new port on the correct current sensing module.

Five hours later and I have them all wired up. I don't like the blue network cables, so I will be making my own to the correct size. 

So far so good. I am looking forward to the arrival of the fourth current sensing module, so I can complete this task and run some trains! 

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