Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Friday, January 13, 2023  
  Post: #140/174 - Views: 45006

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The locomotive refuelling station (Part 4)

I decided to begin working on the fuel storage tank today, starting with the boundary wall where the fuel storage tank will be located. 

I used a small spice container for the fuel tank, plugged one end of it, and stood it upright.

For the plumbing part, I used pieces from a parts tree of a kit I have from my 1:10 car hobby. 

I cut up some pieces to size and then glued them together to form some kind of plumbing.

This is what it looked like in place before any painting was done.

My second attempt at getting the colour right for concrete paving. I scored the paving to simulate large slabs. When the time comes to lay ballast, I will age and weather the concrete surface, unless it happens naturally by the time I get to do that

Added the boundary wall with an entry/exit point which leads over a parallel track and will eventually lead down to an area where the employees will be able to park.

Painter the fuel tank. Looking for a scale ladder. It is beyond my capability to make one. As much as I would like to make my own, I'm afraid this time I will have to buy one. Way too small to make.

And there we have the finished product so far. I was given a great idea for the fuel pumps which will be situated between the two serving tracks inside the refuelling station. 

This is the lower section of the delivery pumps

The upper level will be a walk around to reach higher levels on the side of the locomotives with the hoses.

Here is the unpainted version of the delivery system complete with a canopy.

Fuel lines are painted yellow and here I show the rubber hose hanging on the side of the delivery system. The hoses are heat-shrink tubes which are placed over the same metal rods I used for the risers. I bent these and cut them to size 

Painted it all and installed the rubber hoses. 

Placed the delivery system in place. Very pleased with the result.

Here it is with its first two customers  

For the time being, I did not glue the delivery system to the concrete floor. I need to be able to remove it while I still have a lot of work to do around the area. I would like to add some light under the canopy, and apply some weathering to the whole area, ideally some sort of gauge for calculating how much fuel they are pumping and some valves. Oh, another idea I was given, is a fire system, so I guess I will be adding some red pipes  

Link to Part 1

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