Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Tuesday, May 16, 2023  
  Post: #145/174 - Views: 45006

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EWS Class 08 DCC Conversion.

Always wanted one of these for my collection and last week I received this. Bought it second-hand on eBay. Runs smoothly on my DC test track so I was looking forward to converting this to DCC.

So, the first thing to do is to open it up! 

I plan on installing the Lenz 10310-02 Silver mini + wired decoder. I have already fitted this in 2 class 04 locos so I felt it should not be too much trouble fitting this into this 08.

Comparing this install to the 04, I noticed that the front part of the chassis had this stand-like part holding part of the track contact to the motor. This needed to go as it was in the way. I needed to separate the contact from the motor and this was holding them together. Too close to do what I need to do. It must go.

Out with the Dremel and gently and very carefully I cut away until I was too close to the contact to continue. Using long-nose pliers, I easily tore it out of its place and filed the remaining part for a smooth finish.

The rest was easy. Black wire to the back of the chassis, in fact, I removed the black wire coming from the motor to the chassis and soldered the black wire from the decoder to the chassis.

The red from the decoder went to the front of the chassis, where I cut out that stand-like part onto the track contact.

The orange and the grey go to the motor. I never seem to remember which way they go, so if the train goes in the wrong direction, I simply change bit 0 to 1 in CV29, or simply change the direction of your motor by using DecoderPro.

After tidying up the wires, I taped the wires down to the motor and put some insulation tape between the decoder and the metal body. I needed to file down the inside of the body very slightly. I kept the decoder in place using some double-sided tape.

And last, but not least, here is a test run..

I later inserted a stay-alive, here is how

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