Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Sunday, December 27, 2020  
  Post: #30/176 - Views: 45817

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Last part of the bridge going in soon,

So I cut up a paper template of the last part of the bridge surface and traced the edge onto a scrap piece of 1/4 inch plywood.

Glued the columns to the bottom of the surface spaced apart to match the other parts of the bridge. Also glued a short piece of cork underlay to meet the end of the bridge.

I have now reached a stage where I need to start laying some track from the start of the incline, up to the top of the hill, out of the tunnel opening and onto the bridge and stop here where the cork underlay ends. I need to make sure that there is only one joint of tracks on the bridge. All droppers will need to be made just before getting on and off the bridge. Let's hope I got that right  


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