Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, January 4, 2021  
  Post: #35/174 - Views: 45006

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The North-East corner...

The North-East corner is turning out to be a lot more work than anticipated. There was a missing point on the way to the platform. The train could only access both sides of the future platform from one direction.

With the point finally installed, the future platform is now accessible from both directions.

Before more work could be carried out on the North-East corner, the upper level would need to be completed. So would the outer lower bend need to be completed, because there are plans for a rock arch and a short bridge here. 

The next image shows progress to date. The tracks are only glued in place up to about 6 inches from the finish of the cork underlay. Everything is wired, though not connected to any supply as yet. 

The next step would be to glue the upper part of the cliff tunnel and plaster it in place. All tracks will be masked off. Hopefully, when this is done, episode 6 of the layout build will be published


Until then...



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