Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Wednesday, January 13, 2021  
  Post: #45/174 - Views: 45006

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Started testing the upper loop with a loco and some coaches today. 

These are my best images of the lot. Won't bore with the others. I did shoot a video which I will upload later. 

I did find a couple of problems, one of which is the loco itself. Not having an emergency overload trip, I shorted the track a couple of weeks ago which in turn overheated the wheels, thus melting the plastic on the bogie. I ordered one and no I realise I needed to replace both. With this in mind, I could not continue trying my track. Of the 3 locos I own, one was returned faulty and am waiting for the replacement. Another one was returned for testing and the seller decided to refund me instead of replacing it (pfff) and this third one, well, I shorted the track with it derailed. All part of the hobby, especially when you live on a small island with no local N gauge sellers (at least that I know of). Another problem is a curve I have on the lower level, which is too sharp for the coaches. Will have to make some changes. Again, all part of the hobby. This is why I am trying things out. Better now than later.

Here's this stunning shot of the Dapol class 33 climbing my DIY curved incline. 

and here is another shot of the same train and coaches in the cliff tunnel. Love it  

Hopefully, my shunter will arrive soon and I will be able to do some more testing using that until the parts for the class 33 arrive and the replacement class 66 arrives too. Just received these today for the 66  

I can't wait to see them passing through the cliff tunnel .. but with the correct lighting. Will have some warm white lights installed  

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