Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, February 1, 2021  
  Post: #53/174 - Views: 45006

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This is the Rabat Museum railway stations today, last used in 1931.

I will attempt to make my station as close to this as possible. Might be longer or shorter, depending on the available space on my layout. I will do my best to keep as much detail as possible. Might make it out of cardboard or styrene or a mix of both. Will see as I go along. I took these images this morning while out with the much better half. I thought that as fellow model railway enthusiasts, you would want to see a pure Maltese railway station and compare it to yours. This operated for 50 years, between 1881 and 1951. The track stretched between Valletta and Rabat and the journey took around 25 minutes. The railway was stopped later because of alternative means of transport. 

These images are taken from the road. This must have been the main station entrance, while the train stopped at the passenger platform on the rear, no accessible while the establishment is closed. The station was converted into a restaurant some years ago and is full of railway heritage covering the interior walls 




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