Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Thursday, March 4, 2021  
  Post: #57/174 - Views: 45006

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The MegaPoints Servo Controller for my layout.

I will be using servos as my points motor. They are a lot more affordable and a lot more fun to install and set up. This is not something that you simply plug in and go but a bit more hands-on in buying the different parts needed, assembling it and wiring it all up.

The first image shows the assembled servo mount complete with servo, both the LED signal lights micro switch and the frog polarity micro switch. 

This is the MegaPoints Servo Controller. There's a video on MegaPoints YouTube channel showing the huge number of features this controller has and the ease of setting it up and using it. Instructions are available for download on their website.

It is easy to program without the need of any additional hardware. Simply use the 4 buttons shown in the image.

My only concern is if it will work with 2 inches of polystyrene between the track and the baseboard. 

The attached video shows all this in great detail.

Enjoy and be safe  



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