Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, March 22, 2021  
  Post: #60/174 - Views: 45006

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So, I started playing with InkScape and went for something like this.

This is as close as I can draw to what was once a railway station in Rabat, Malta. The station is a restaurant today but looking around the area, one can see traces of the old train and how the station was used until 1933

I simply drew the outline of the building, front and one side. I copied and pasted it for the rear and the other station side.  All I need to do now is print it, glue it to some cardboard and cut it up and trim out the windows and doors, then fold both pieces into an L shape and glue the two pieces together to form the parameter walls. 

What can go wrong, right?  


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