Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, April 5, 2021  
  Post: #65/176 - Views: 45530

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Installing train station and platform...

I decided to move on to the next step while I wait for more parts (same old story). I put the train station on a 5mm thick platform and glued some styrene parts to the bottom to hold the station in place and not slide around. It is easily removed by simply lifting the station over the glued parts. The passenger platform is another 5mm piece of styrene which was then glued to the station base. The platform is now level with the coach doors. I made and glued some stairs in place outside the front door and from the station platform to the passenger platform. I will also be adding two ramps to give easy access to people with large suitcases on wheels, pushchairs and wheelchairs. 

Here are some images I took today for you all to enjoy  

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