Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Thursday, April 29, 2021  
  Post: #73/176 - Views: 45817

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Details I'm adding into a block of apartments...

So you have seen many builds take shape, so I'm going to jump straight into the details...

The balconies ... I made the first two and was very pleased with the result. The sad thing was I had 2 more to do  

Here's how I do them.. I cut up the desired size of styrene I want to use for the balcony floor... line it up against my ruler and mark holes every 4mm. This is where I drill holes for the balustrades. 

I place a 3mm * 1mm strip of styrene under the balcony floor and mark it through the existing holes so as to line up the holes... I insert 7mm lengths of precut tooth picks onto the floor holes and then with a lot of patience I align the holes on the 3mm strip with the other ends of the pre cut toothpicks... believe me, not an easy task...

This is the result... I do a lot of fiddling to get them as correct as I would like them and when I manage, I put them down and away from where I can hit them

When all is done, I apply a generous helping of PVA glue over the top to hold it all in place...

Here I am checking it for looks and size in its place while it is still wet...

While all that dries up, I started the doors. There's a double door in a recess that needs to be installed. Very tight place to work with my bulky fingers but...

There's where it has to fit!!! 

Withthat done I moved on to the remaining balconies .. they were now dry and time to put them in place. Put some weights to make sure they don't move! 

... and here is the final result .. well, final for this post, because there is a lot more to do...

You can see the balconies and doors I mentioned above, all in place and I also put in the stairs to get to the doors from street level.

I am currently working on the dividing walls to be able to light up each apartment individually. Also working on the rear of the building.. You might never get to see it, but I know its there  

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