Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, May 24, 2021  
  Post: #79/174 - Views: 45006

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How to set up your z21 on your home network (The advanced way)

The advanced way

Start by downloading and installing the Maintenance Tool (Current version: v1.15) by following this link

Z21 Maintenance Tool - Products - Roco z21

Moving on.

The z21 system uses the following subnet: 192.168.0.x The TP-Link router is set to while the z21 defaults to

To check your home subnet, go to the DOS command prompt and type IPCONFIG and you should get something like this:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . .: 4416:e2e1:6efa:e310
   Temporary IPv6 Address.  : 11ab:2b5d:fed3:ebac
   Temporary IPv6 Address.  : 1dbe:3994:a4b3:7feb
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . : fe80:4416:e2e1:6efa:e310%4
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : <-------THIS IS THE ONE WE ARE AFTER
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . .:
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . :

If your home network is using the same subnet, (192.168.0.x) then the chances of having a device already using are slim, so you can simply connect the z21 to an empty RJ45 socket somewhere close to where you will be using it on your layout and power it up. Worse case is you get an IP conflict and you get told off by whoever is using that same IP address in your home… If you do have a conflict, change the address on one of the devices. If you decide to change the address on the z21, then read on.

However, if you are using a different subnet (eg: 192.168.Y.x) where “Y” is not equal to ZERO then we need to connect to the z21 directly from a PC/laptop. The easiest way is to temporally disconnect the PC/laptop from the home network and connect that same network cable to one of the free orange ports of the TP-Link router. After a while, (could take a few minutes – depends on your PC) your PC should be assigned a new IP address that looks something like so: 192.168.0.x.

At the DOS command prompt, type PING and you should get a successful reply.  This proves you are on the same subnet as the TP-Link and the z21. To confirm the z21 connection, make sure it is switched on and at the DOS command prompt type PING This should result in a successful reply from the z21.

The next step is to load your newly installed z21 Maintenance Tool and it should look like this:

Click the Connect button. Once successfully connected, go to the IP Settings tab.

Click on the Accept button to get this:

Click Yes and change the address to the same subnet as your home network.


If your PC used 192.168.1.x as a subnet, then change the IP address of the z21 to

If your PC used 192.168.2.x as a subnet, then change the IP address of the z21 to

If your PC used 192.168.3.x as a subnet, then change the IP address of the z21 to

Etc etc etc, you get my point…

Also, change the gateway as shown below using the same subnet as your home PC

Don't forget to add the IP address you decide to use for your z21 to the DHCP server "Reserved IP Client List". 

When you are ready, click on the Write button and follow the prompts. Switch off the z21 and the TP-Link router. Reconnect your PC back to your home network. If you fail to get an internet connection then restart your PC.  Restart the z21 for changes to take effect.

Next step, the App

Assuming you have the z21 App installed on your mobile device, open the app and tap settings

Tap z21 Settings

Change the IP address to the same address you entered when you change the IP address in the Maintenance Tool (192.168.x.111) whatever x was… This will instruct the App what the new IP address of the z21 is and how to locate it. 

in my case I changed it to this:

After tapping Reconnect z21, you should get this:

Note the blue light at the top right corner of your mobile device screen. If it is blue it is because your device connected successfully to your z21

NOTE: As of firmware version V1.27 the settings are reset to the factory setting when you hold down the STOP button on the front of the z21 long enough until the LED turns red and blue simultaneously. When you let it go, the z21 returns to factory default including the IP address, and one can connect it to the TP-Link router and use it like it just came out of the box.,


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