Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Monday, June 28, 2021  
  Post: #81/176 - Views: 45530

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The storage yard progress...

After 4 months of waiting for my points to arrive, I started working on my storage yard. Like everything else, plans changed as I start working. So much for the hours of planning and drawing .. There's a big difference from drawing something to actually building it. Only when you are actually seeing the result do you realise things are not right… In this case, all I changed is the direction of the points, to be able to have longer tracks to store more wagons than the original plan.

Here's the progress so far. It is slow going because each time I glue something, I have to wait for it to dry. I am doing more waiting than actually working, but it needs to be done. There's going to be 7 sidings for the wagons to be stored. Because of the limited size of the layout, they are not very long, so 

You can roughly estimate how long they are comparing them to the coaches in this image.

This will be somewhere the train can go to, to be able to reverse into the sidings. I might add a point and join it to one of the lines in this image, which will also may it another entrance/exit for the yard.

Here's an image showing progress so far. The short runs are just placed there to give an idea of how they will be.

More work tomorrow. It has been so long since I have done anything on the layout, due to the lack of parts, that I am exhausted.

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