Hal-Zuzzu Model Railway Build Blog
  Published: Wednesday, December 16, 2020  
  Post: #23/174 - Views: 45006

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Because of the lack of space to work in, everything I do takes longer. I start a job and end up waiting for glue to dry before moving on to the next task on the list.

Made some progress today. Painted the inclines brown, same as the rest of the surface. Then started gluing some cork underlay and held it down with pins. 

I really like how the track passes so close to the rock side  

Move over to the rock wall corner over the hill. Had to glue these to the lid of the hill and not to the surrounding wooden wall. 

Then started working on the tunnel exit..

The polystyrene on the top is glued to the wooden lid. 

Cut a better fitting surround for the tunnel exit on the lower level.

Once I plaster all this, it will look a lot better.

I look forward to plastering all this to see the sudden difference  

More to follow...


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